Carrie's Photographs.

Terry's Photographs.

June's Photographs.
The GG session this week was very much on our own turf (please excuse the pun!) - the Riverside Centre at Newport. This is where the GG Team is based and where all out tools, equipment etc is stored. There were numerous tasks to tackle - perhaps the largest of which was to rebuild a large wooden planter in the rear courtyard area. This had originally been built using a false base made of wood which, over the years, had become rotten and had collapsed. The existing plants were lifted, pruned and soaked in water while the whole bed was dug out, repaired as required, partially filled with re-cycled plastics, fitted with a new plastic liner before being refilled with new top soil. The old plants, along with some new additions, were then planted up and a good layer of wood chip mulch applied to retain the moisture and keep the weeds down.
Another large job involved the dismantling of an old shed and the re-siting of another one - see the pictures above for details of that work! Other GG members weeded and turned over the soil in various flower beds and the whole area was given a spring clean. In the midst of all this work (chaos?) several of the team were being interviewed for a radio about multi tasking....!
We had a really good turnout and with the exception of a short sharp rain shower, it was dry and warm.
Many thanks to Terry & June (sounds like an old TV show!) for the photographs.
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